Jase spent 35 years in the military and has over 20 years’ experience of designing and delivering training in leadership, management, mental health, wellbeing and resilience.
He has spent the last 9 years’ delivering mental health training to managers and employees in the workplace across many different industry sectors as well as supporting the British Army in the delivery of its mental resilience programme.
The COVID-19 pandemic encouraged Jase to resign from the Army and become a freelance trainer focussed on delivering a suite of adult and youth MHFA England accredited courses to a broad range of clients including large government departments, prisons, third sector, NHS trusts, schools, construction, automotive and rail industries.
Jase is driven to promote a mentally healthy workplace culture for everyone and his experience as a leader allows him to deliver training whilst fully understanding the challenges leaders and managers face in changing workplace culture. He uses this experience to deliver the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Managing Occupational Health and wellbeing course.
Jase has also worked as a practitioner supporting and providing interventions for people with mental health and other issues while his work in safeguarding has provided him with a good background in working with vulnerable people.
Jase is enthusiastic, experienced and driven to deliver high quality, accredited health and wellbeing training to suit the client’s needs.
How have you taken care of your own mental health and wellbeing since the start of the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic?
I resigned from my job and took ownership of my life. I set up my own business and started working in an area I enjoy so I often don’t even feel like I’ve been to work anymore. It’s not been without challenges and set backs but I have taken all of these as opportunities to develop myself and grow as an individual, develop my coping strategies and most importantly use them.
I live by the Durham coast so have taken up the increasingly popular sport of cold-water swimming which offers me the opportunity to meet other people, exercise and spend 30 minutes just concentrating on not freezing or drowning rather than the worries of the day.
After a 30+ year military career always looking forward to the next challenge, posting and step up the promotion ladder I now spend more time in the present and focussed on what and who is around me.
In short, I took the conscious decision to be happy!
How do you want to change the world?
I want to be part of the change that makes our societies better places to live and organisations better places to work. As a former change manager I understand how daunting this may seem. I want to make understanding mental health and wellbeing straightforward for people. I want the discussion around mental health to be normalised and for people to feel empowered to ask for support when they need it whilst feeling confident to deal with greater challenges themselves.