Since we were told that an EU referendum would be taking place there appears to be a lot of people that are finding the whole process difficult some have taken to social media with the hashtag #BrexitAnxiety.
Anxiety can be brought on by many things especially change and the EU referendum has caused many people to feel symptoms of extreme stress/anxiety such as sleeplessness, palpitations, excess sweating, panic attacks, digestive system issues and many more symptoms.
Those who voted ‘out’ will be most probably be feeling elated but those that voted ‘in’ may be feeling lost, scared and frightened by the enormity of the situation that faces us all, that being uncertainty. Many will feel worried and concerned for the future of their children and grandchildren amongst other things.
Brexit anxiety sufferers will be feeling lost and may feel intimidated by comments made on news feeds on social media where lots of negative comments have been posted over the past few days. Comments demeaning those that voted ‘out’ can leave people feeling worthless and scared for their personal safety.
When we feel anxious, adrenaline increases in our bodies causing our heart to race and our blood pressure to rise it also increase sugar (glucose) levels in our bodies and causes our brains activity to slow causing us a brain fog often referred to as ‘woolly brain syndrome’.
Oxygen levels increase cause sufferers to breathe more quickly this can lead to hyperventilation (breathing into a paper bag can stop this quickly and efficiently).
What people suffering from anxiety need to learn is that anxiety and stress is manageable. By using a few simple steps, anxiety levels can be lowered and sufferers can feel much better in just a few minutes.
These steps are:
1. Sitting down somewhere quiet with your eyes closed.
2. Taking deep breathes in and holding your breathe for the count of three, then releasing the breathe.
3. Using visualization techniques to drift off somewhere pleasant.
4. Going for regular walks.
5. Do something you really enjoy or try something new.
6. Yoga, meditation and hypnosis will also help relieve symptoms of anxiety.
Talking to someone always helps. Find someone you can trust or find a hypnotherapist, or other professional support, near you that can help you with your anxieties.
Relaxation is the only known cure for stress.