Digital devices are new essentials in our daily lives. Between smartphones, computers, and tablets, our time spent online has grown significantly in recent years, particularly on social channels. With new studies suggesting social media has a negative impact on our mental health, perhaps it’s time to take a step away from it all. So how can you begin your digital detox? Mind Matters spoke to Feria Kazemi from Broadband Genie and got ten top tips to get you started.
- Ease into your digital detox
While it might seem like a good idea to go cold turkey on all your digital devices and social channels, it’s not the best bet for a successful digital detox. Easing your way into the detox is the surest way to build your new habits successfully.
- Focus on one habit at a time
Instead of using your detox to try and tackle all the digital habits you may be trying to kick, focus on a single practice and make it the central point of your detox. Zeroing in on a single habit will make your digital detox an easier feat to achieve.
- Give yourself an allowance
While it might be tempting to try a complete detox, reducing your time on your digital devices is a detox in and of itself. Give yourself a reasonable allowance for the time you need to be connected and limit yourself to that.
- Let technology help you with your detox
We’ve already established that a digital detox doesn’t have to mean freeing yourself from everything digital. Let technology help you with your aims. Features like ‘do not disturb’ mode on your phone and computer can be quite useful, and there are also plenty of apps out there that can help with tracking your time, social media usage habits, and block you from selected distracting websites throughout the day.
- Disable push notifications
Those notifications on new messages, emails, or news and activities that continuously pop-up on your phone or computer – disable them. While the pings might be helpful at times, more often than not they serve to distract. Disabling them will help you focus on what matters most.
- Share the news of your digital detox
Spread the news of your digital detox to your family, friends, work colleagues, hairdresser, cab drivers… you name it. Share the news with anyone that will listen. Not only will it get a conversation going, but these people can also help keep you accountable to your detox.
- Get your friends and family to join in
Tell your friends and family that you’re about to embark on a digital detox and get them to join you. Doing the detox with others can help keep you motivated all while inducing a bit of healthy competition. Besides, if you manage to get your inner circle to join you, the only ones with a real case of FOMO (fear of missing out) are the ones not in on the detox.
- Go back to the basics
Remember the days when your phone was a phone? Let your digital detox bring you back to the basics. Use your digital devices for their core purpose and nothing more. Being intentional in your technology use will go a long way to reducing your time spent on digital devices and social channels.
- Hold yourself accountable – for a good cause!
In any digital detox, slip-ups are bound to happen. Instead of letting it discourage you, use it as a catalyst for good. Digital literacy is invaluable, but not everyone has the know-how. Set up a charity jar for your lapses, giving the funds to charities that provide support to children and adults to build their digital skills.
- Leave the technology at home
If you do nothing else, ditch your tech devices and leave them at home when you’re heading out for the day. A few hours tech-free is the best way to kickstart your digital detox.