Understanding and Promoting Positive Mental
Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace
The Essential Course for ALL Employees/Front-line Workers
This i-act training is aimed at supporting employees to improve their workplace wellbeing, and support others who may experience a mental health or wellbeing issue.
The i–act course comes with a 156-page evidence-based course manual, toolkit and resource pack (pictured left) for each participant.
The i–act manual includes over 45 tools to support employees and over 95 agencies/organisations to refer on to.
The evidence-based i–act course and manual cites over 200 pieces of reputable references, researched by leading academics in the field working at Doctorate level.
The i–act course highlights how we can all improve our wellbeing to help build resilience.
Course objectives: the i–act course for employees/front-line workers aims to:
give participants a greater understanding of mental health and wellbeing issues and recognise when further help and support may be required
provide some practical tools for managing stress, anxiety and low mood, and for promoting positive wellbeing to help build resilience
offer guidance and advice for how we may connect with others who may be experiencing a mental health or wellbeing issue
equip participants with a resource pack, toolkit and signposting to further help and support concerning mental health and wellbeing issues.
Registered i–act for positive mental health and WELLbeing practitioners
Upon successful completion of the i–act training for employees/front-line workers you will receive:
certification as an approved i–act practitioner
a copy of the 156-page evidence-based i–act practitioners course manual, toolkit and resource pack
free membership, an i–act practitioner, to the UK-wide Wellbeing Community
free access to the online i–act practitioners resources
- the course is accredited by the Royal College of Psychiatrists
i-act registration is valid for 3 years.
£150 + VAT per delegate (on-line course)
How to book on our courses
Please complete our booking form or contact our office at [email protected] or 01226 777520/07833 470979.
Training Calendar
See our latest course dates here
In-house courses
If you’d like to discuss our in-house training options please contact us.
A 5% discount is available to students, volunteers, third sector organisations, and bookings of more than one place (or course). Proof of concessionwill be required at point of booking.