Some of you will be aware that the theme for 2016 World Mental Health Day, perhaps the most notable day in the annual mental health calendar, will this year be: Psychological & Mental Health First Aid for all.
Mind Matters is collaborating on a piece of work to mark the day and raise awareness of mental health and mental health first aid, and we’d like you to take part.
Mind Matters is inviting submissions of poetry and/or other expressions of word that represent your mental health, whether that’s healthy or poor mental health, happiness, sadness, other emotions, talking therapies, self-help, conditions, or other aspects of mental health for you. We will be selecting a range of pieces to be incorporated into a bespoke photographic collection that will be shared on World Mental Health Day to raise awareness of mental health and mental health first aid for all.
If you’d like to submit a piece of poetry for the compilation you can contact us here for further details.