Mental Health Training

Partners of ex-military Personnel required for Study

Posted by on 27 Jul, 2016 in Mental Health | 0 comments

Partners of ex-military Personnel required for Study

Participant Information Sheet

Study Title: The partner’s perspective: exploring the experiences of the transition from Military to Civvy Street

Name of Investigator: Gemma Skye Davies
Contact Details for Further Information:
[email protected]

Invitation to Participate

You are being invited to take part in a research study. Before you decide, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish. If anything is not clear to you or you would like more information please ask.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to explore civilian partner’s experiences of their husband or partner leaving the British Armed Forces either through end of service or retirement. Experiences of the partner of an ex-service member’s transition are rarely researched, however this transition has many challenges, both positive and negative, for the partner and family. It is important that these accounts are heard in order to improve the transition from military to civvy street for the whole family.

What will I be asked to do in the study?

For this study you will be asked to participate in either a face to face interview or telephone or a skype interview lasting between 45 minutes to an hour, where you will be asked a series of semi-structured questions. This interview will be informal and relaxed during which you will not be obligated to answer any questions which you do not wish to. Before an interview can take place it is vital you fully understand this information sheet and have read and signed a consent form.

How will the information be recorded and analysed?

The face to face and telephone interviews will be recorded by Dictaphone which will be deleted, transcribed and saved onto a private USB. Interviews conducted via skype will be recorded by iRecorder or Pamela programme and will also be deleted from the programme, transcribed and saved onto a private USB. A thematic analysis will be conducted to identify key themes which occur through each transcript and will be used to form a discussion of results.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking part?

The advantages of this study are that you are participating in a new area of research where little attention has been paid by academics or the government; you yourself are the expert on this subject and by taking part you are giving your expertise and recommendations for future support. There are no disadvantages to the study as it is an opportunity to anonymously share your experiences, both positive and negative, of this topic area. However a list of free and impartial services will be provided if you feel the need to access any further support in which you may be entitled to.

How will my information be used?

Your information will be used to provide an analysis of all data which will then form a write up and be produced as a dissertation. Your information may be presented in other academic forums, such as academic journals, at conferences, future studies or in teaching.

Will my information be confidential?

All information shared will only be seen by me, the researcher, and dissertation supervisor Dr. Helen Woolnough, with only anonymised quotes being used directly in my academic submission and any future work. These will again be anonymized; data will also be analysed in themes to protect confidentiality. However should any information be disclosed which suggests you the participant, or another person is at risk of harm, confidentiality may be broken as there is a duty of care to report these concerns to the appropriate authorities in consultation with the dissertation supervisor.

Will my comments and views be anonymous?

All information will be made completely confidential and will only be seen by me the researcher. In the study all comments will be made anonymous using coding to differentiate between participants in the transcripts and quotations.

What happens if I want to withdraw?

As a volunteer participant in this study you are free to withdraw from the study at any point before the 15th of August. If you wish to withdraw before this date please contact the researcher by email or telephone to express your wish to withdraw; all information you provide will then be destroyed. Information provided can also be sent back to you if you wish.

If I am not happy, to whom do I complain?

If you are not happy with the research at any point and do not wish to speak to the researcher, you can contact the dissertation supervisor Dr Helen Woolnough or the ethics director Dr Andrew Wilson via the below email addresses.

[email protected]

[email protected]

List of help and support organisations

ABF The Soldiers Charity;
Tel: 020-7901-8900

British legion;
Tel: 0808 802 8080

Combat Stress;
24 HOUR HELPLINE: 0800 138 1619
Email: [email protected]

Tel: 0845 241 7141.

Veterans Charity;


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