GPs, Therapists, Practitioners & other Professionals
Hub of Hope. There is always hope….
ABC Worksheet (Get Self Help)
Action for Happiness Resources (Action for Happiness)
Alternative Thoughts & Actions (Get Self Help)
Anger Management Skills Worksheet (Therapist Aid)
Anger Management – The Cycle of Anger (Therapist Aid)
Anxiety: A Self-Help Guide (MoodJuice)
Avoidance Hierarchy (Psychology Tools)
Behavioural Activation (Therapist Aid)
Behavioural Activation Worksheet (Get Self Help)
Benefits of Exercise in Mental Health Worksheet (Therapist Aid)
Bipolar Mood Management Worksheet (Get Self Help)
CBT Thought Record (Psychology Tools)
Checklist of Cognitive Distortions (Redemption Psychiatry, 1999)
Chronic Fatigue & Chronic Pain (Get Self Help)
Communication Techniques (Therapist Aid)
Psychological Wellbeing Service (IAPT) Resources (Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust)
Counselling Directory
Crisis Management Plan (Get Self Help)
Decatastrophising (Psychology Tools, Morton, K)
Five Aspects Worksheet (Get Self Help)
Food & Mood (Manchester Public Health Development Service, NHS Manchester)
GAD: The Worry Tree Worksheet (Get Self Help)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item (GAD-7) scale (Spitzer RL, Kroenke K, Williams JBW, Lowe B. A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder. Arch Inern Med. 2006;166:1092-1097)
The ‘Helicopter View’ worksheet ( | Vivyan, 2010)
How to talk to your GP about your Mental Health (Mental Health Foundation)
How to Look after your Mental Health using Exercise (Mental Health Foundation)
Hundred Ways to Support Recovery: A guide for mental health professionals (Re-think Mental Illness)
If you are thinking about Suicide: Read this first (Psych Central Community Connection)
Is work good for your Health & Well-being? (Waddell, Gordon & A.Kim Burton)
Measuring Wellbeing: A Guide for Practitioners (New Economics Foundation, 2012)
Ensuring employment support for people with mental health problems (NHS Confederation)
Mental Health & Work (Royal College of Psychiatrists)
Mental Health Toolkit (Royal College of General Practitioners)
No Health without Mental Health, A cross-Government Mental Health outcomes strategy for people of all ages (collaborative Mental Health production, 2011)
OCD Treatment Overview (Therapist Aid)
Perinatal Mental Health Toolkit (Royal College of General Practitioners)
The Poisoned Parrot ( | Vivyan, 2010)
Positive Psychology Techniques (Therapist Aid)
Preventing suicide in England: A cross-Governement outcomes strategy to save lives (HM Government)
Preventing suicide in England: Assessment of impact on equalities
Prompts for local leaders on suicide prevention (Department of Health)
Relaxed Breathing (Psychology Tools)
Statistical update on suicide (Department of Health 2015)
Suicide Warning Signs (Therapist Aid)
Surviving or Thriving: The State of the UK’s Mental Health (Mental Health Foundation)
Taking Care of your Mental Health: Looking after your own wellbeing as a health professional
Free guides and workbooks for professionals, parents, young people and others interested in mental wellbeing. (Charlie Waller)
Treating Anxiety with CBT (Therapist Aid)
Types of mental health problems (MIND)
Understanding Psychosis & Schizophrenia -revised (The British Psychological Society)
The Warwick & Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS) (Tennant R, et al 2007 The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS): development and UK validation, Health and Quality of Life Outcome; 5:63 doi:101186/1477-7252-5-63)
Click here Free to use, but registration is required.
Work & Health (Waddell & Burton, 2006)