‘Survivor Syndrome’ By Jane McNeice
With few if any industries being immune to the impact of Covid-19, downsizing and potential redundancy threat are currently very high. Many organisations are undertaking re-structures and reductions in their workforce capacity in order to survive the drop in demand for product and services, and the consequent drop in income. These undertakings will be essential for many businesses, but of equal if not more importance is what remains afterwards. The remaining workforce are going to be your...
Read MoreAn update from our Director
I hope this e-bulletin finds you all fit and healthy, and suitably adjusting to your new lives during the Covid-19 outbreak. It is a challenging time for us all, both as individuals and as a global community. We encourage you to check out our blog area and related articles for things to consider to help you stay well ‘Covid-19: Resilience in Adversity’ and ‘No one Told the Sunshine!’ and please share our ‘Get Support Now’ page with anyone you think may need...
Read MoreMy WHOLE Self: Chronicles of an Anxious Small Business Owner during Covid-19 Coronavirus, by Jane McNeice
So my husband says “Please stop talking about Coronavirus, you’re killing me.” And I get it, when I’m highly anxious about something I just can’t contain it. It becomes contagious and as equally painful to others as it is to me. So I’m trying to spare my husband and write down how I feel instead… Two weeks ago, week commencing 24th February I had started to get anxious about Covid-19 Coronavirus. I’d already gone into my preferred coping mechanism of over-planning, fuelled further by the...
Read MoreMind Matters – COVID-19: Training Room Health & Safety
In light of the current circumstances with the COVID-19 Coronavirus, we’re reaching out to share how we are going to manage our training in the near future. Please rest assured that we are monitoring the situation closely and will provide further updates as necessary. If you have any questions, please contact us and we’ll be happy to assist you. At this time we have ceased face-to-face training course deliveries as instructed by the authorities. In the coming months we hope that...
Read MoreSuicide is Not a Dirty Word, By Vicki Foulds-Duncan
Suicide. There. I said it. Yet, despite the fact that more than 6000 people across the UK and ROI die by suicide every year, so many of us don’t. This morning, as I sat with a cup of tea reading the local news, I came across sadly familiar phrases in a news article: “fallen from a railway bridge”; “no suspicious circumstances”; “if you are affected by the issues in this story, call Samaritans on 116 123”. I initially felt incredibly sad for the gentleman who died, his family and friends, the...
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