“You’ll need to grow a thicker skin!” by Jane McNeice
“You’ll need to grow a thicker skin!” I half wondered what the senior colleague was saying at the time, my hyper-visual brain dragging me to a literal vision of thickening skin tissue. Eventually, I understood it to be that I needed to toughen up, not cry to the point of inconsolable, and to have some control. It was 1995, I was 19. I had a 20-week-old baby at home, an extremely low mood, and I had started a new job 12 weeks earlier due to a lack of understanding of my maternity rights and...
Read MoreDefinition of disability – an explanation of the terms, By Pers Ltd
Disability is defined in the Equality Act 2010 as ‘a physical or mental impairment’ that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ adverse effect on your ability to do ‘normal daily activities.’ In this blog, we explain what these terms mean. ‘Substantial’ ‘Substantial’ means more than minor or trivial. An example would be taking longer to complete a daily task such as washing, dressing or eating. For more information and examples of ‘substantial’ see this CAB website. This...
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