Mental Health Training

Posts Tagged "europe"

Brexit Anxiety, By Mary Burgess Dip(HE) DCHP MSBST Multi Award Winning Clinical Hypnotherapist

Posted by on 29 Jun, 2016 in Mental Health | 0 comments

Brexit Anxiety, By Mary Burgess Dip(HE) DCHP MSBST Multi Award Winning Clinical Hypnotherapist

Since we were told that an EU referendum would be taking place there appears to be a lot of people that are finding the whole process difficult some have taken to social media with the hashtag #BrexitAnxiety. Anxiety can be brought on by many things especially change and the EU referendum has caused many people to feel symptoms of extreme stress/anxiety such as sleeplessness, palpitations, excess sweating, panic attacks, digestive system issues and many more symptoms. Those who voted...

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