Mental Health Training

Posts Tagged "late diagnosis"

If a ‘normal’ doesn’t exist, what am I socially masking? by Jane McNeice

Posted by on 4 Jul, 2023 in Mental Health |

If a ‘normal’ doesn’t exist, what am I socially masking? by Jane McNeice

I am Autistic and I socially mask. I do not choose it, I do it to survive, and in my blog ‘Why I am unable to stop socially masking’ I explain my reasons why. Yes, I hear you, we ALL socially mask – a work mask, a social mask, amongst others. I am not referring to neurotypical social masking, I am referring here to Autistic social masking, it is AMPLIFIED, and it is curated to a level of detail most won’t even comprehend. On the back of my late diagnosis at age 45, I totally recognise my...

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Could You Be Autistic? by Jane McNeice

Posted by on 14 Dec, 2022 in Mental Health |

Could You Be Autistic? by Jane McNeice

The very fact that you are ‘considering’ you may be autistic means you’ve worked a lot of it out already. That is a big step, huge in fact! So maybe my words will only solidify what you already know. Tips can be tricky, why? Because all Autistics are individually very different, but nevertheless we share a lot of common traits. Firstly, for a diagnosis of Autism, we all must meet criteria relating to the Triad of Impairment: a clinically diagnosable degree of difficulty in social...

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The Umbrella Picker

Posted by on 5 Aug, 2022 in Mental Health |

The Umbrella Picker

This is the 7 year old girl who felt lost, lonely, ugly, and unlovable. She doesn’t yet know she will wait another 38 years to find the reason for those feelings… At the age of 45 she will find the answer to her ‘Why?’ She will learn that she is different, but not wrong. She will learn that she experiences the world in a different way, through a different brain type, and has different needs which must be met if she is to stay well. Needs that won’t be met up until that point. She will...

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