What is the right mental health training course for me: Understanding the differences across mental health training courses, by Jane McNeice
Mind Matters has on many occasion been approached by clients looking to train managers in mental health, with a specific request for Mental Health First Aid training. There’s nothing intrinsically problematic with that at all, unless you are looking for an outcome which MHFA was not specifically designed to achieve. For this reason, it’s important for clients, commissioners, and buyers to understand how mental health training courses differ and what might be the most suitable course, or...
Read MoreReturning to School & Work post Covid-19, By Jane McNeice
For fortunate industries where the business impact of Covid-19 has been minimal, or in fact improved their circumstances, in which case they may have needed to recruit more capacity or simply continue to support existing workers, thinking about returning employees to their place of work may simply not be on their agenda. Unfortunately for many employers this has not been the case, and they may now be experiencing the various stages in the process of returning employees to work, or in the case...
Read MoreMind Matters is delighted to announce a new partnership with the charity PTSD at Work. Set up by Nathan Bowen after his own traumatic experience of assault in 2017 and the impact this had on his career and working life, the charity aims to support employers in supporting employees who are experiencing trauma related symptoms or who may have a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Key to the charity’s support will be training for workplaces in PTSD and other mental health difficulties....
Read MoreLearning How to Cope with Social Anxiety, By Barbara Markway
Most of us can relate to feeling anxious before a big speech, a job interview, or a first date. But for some, the experience is much more than butterflies in the stomach. If you worry a great deal about what others think of you, you have social anxiety. You might be uncomfortable returning items to a store or ordering pizza over the phone. You might avoid social gatherings. You may have few or no close friends. Perhaps you’ve turned down job promotions because you feared needing to make...
Read MoreOne Challenge Too Many, By Jane McNeice
Statistics included within Youth Mental Health First Aid tell us the extent, that we know of, of poor mental health in children and young people. Nowhere does this become more salient, than when I read my late brothers self-written story of his experience of poor mental health and learning disabilities during his childhood, particularly following his transfer to a special needs school which could further accommodate his needs, “The school was very supportive which was good, as at the age of 10...
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