Mental Health Training

Posts Tagged "wellbeing"

Your home and your wellbeing: how to achieve a work-life balance while working from home

Posted by on 14 Jun, 2022 in Mental Health |

Your home and your wellbeing: how to achieve a work-life balance while working from home

When the pandemic began, it was also the start of a significant change in how people work. In 2020, the Office for National Statistics confirmed 25. 9% of the UK population were working from home. This was an increase from 2019, when just 12.4% of the country did the same. And although the world has opened up since then, not everyone has gone back to the office full-time, with the most recent government data showing that 85% of adults working from home would prefer a hybrid approach of both...

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Person-centred Care, not just for Health & Social Care

Posted by on 11 Oct, 2021 in Mental Health |

Person-centred Care, not just for Health & Social Care

Person-centred care is often a term referred to in health and social care. It is a difficult term to pin down because there are various definitions and what it looks like for one will look different for the next. The Health Foundation defines four principles of person-centred care Personalised care Coordinated care Enabling care With a thread of dignity, compassion, and respect through all. Now I think it is fair to say that health and social care are no longer viewed as the sole guardians of...

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How I Drastically Reduced Social Anxiety And Negative Thoughts Through Mindfulness, by Mike Wilhelm

Posted by on 6 Jul, 2021 in Mental Health |

How I Drastically Reduced Social Anxiety And Negative Thoughts Through Mindfulness, by Mike Wilhelm

In this post, I am going to give you the painstaking details on how I managed to reduce social anxiety and negative thoughts in a very short period of time. As you might know, negative emotions such as shame and anxiety, and negative thoughts such as ‘’I’m not smart enough”, or “I’m not good-looking enough”, can have a significant impact on your life. While the conventional tricks (such as exercising more, eating healthy and congratulating yourself on small achievements) can often provide some...

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Furlough – an opportunity for learning

Posted by on 12 Jan, 2021 in Mental Health |

Furlough – an opportunity for learning

As we are nearing one week into our Tier 5 lockdown and many businesses are having or have had to re-Furlough employees, it’s perhaps yet another chance to step back and take stock. A significant proportion of the working population are again Furloughed and now have some additional time on their hands. For many families, this spare time is being redirected towards home-schooling children, but for others, they may already be feeling the harmful effects of loss of structure, purpose, and...

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Neurodiversity – meeting the need, by Jane McNeice

Posted by on 14 Dec, 2020 in Mental Health |

Neurodiversity – meeting the need, by Jane McNeice

About Neurodiversity It is increasingly acknowledged by UK employers that there is a need to have a neuro-diverse workforce and that there are significant benefits of fostering such diversity. Given that estimates suggest more than 15% of the UK population are neuro-divergent (ACAS, 2020) most employers will, in fact, already be employing neuro-diverse people. Neuro-diverse diagnoses include conditions such as Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Aspersers, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity...

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